School chess tournament is an annual tournament aiming at increasing the passion of this intellectual sport for the members of the Youth Union and students in the whole school. In the year of 2018, 50 candidates from 25 Students Associations participated in the contest. After 120 competitions in two consecutive days, the organizers have recognized the results for the 14 chess players achieving the highest men’s singles, women's singles and teammates. The Organizing Committee recognized the results of the 14 highest scores of men, women and teammates. Mr. Nguyen Tat Dat, Chairman of the Chess Club, said that the students who participated in the third season competition actively learnt how to calculate points and chess rules in accordance with international standards. Many of them had unique, creative and flexible play styles, the pairs of teammates are relatively equal in terms of level and method of competition. In the spirit of enthusiasm, calm and bravery, the contestants continued to affirm their strength, thoughtful thinking and brought about the highest achievements. After the tournament, the Managing Board of the Chess club will introduce the excellent students to the School Sports Association for opportunities to participate in the national chess tournaments, with the hope that they will try their best in competitions and glorify the name of Thai Binh University of Medical and Pharmacy in national competitions.
Translated by Phan Yen Nhi, class K47H and editted by Pham Thi Thanh Huyen MA